Strangers in the West Source Material

This data consists of the supporting material for the book Strangers in the West: The Syrian Colony of New York City, 1880-1900 (New York, 2015), and consists of persons microdata from census sources on New York City residents from the last decades of the nineteenth century. In additional to primary persons information, the data contain names and relationships of others in the household.

Unique variables include personal names of related family members, including extended family.

Shared Dataset Variables

Variable Name Description
BIRTHYEAR year of birth of a person in a dataset
CITIZENSHIP citizenship of an individual (us/foreign or specific country of citizenship)
DEATHYEAR year of death of a person in a dataset
FIRSTNAME first name or initial of person
GENDER gender of a person in a dataset
LASTNAME surname (whether married or maiden)
MARRIAGESTATUS records marriage status using booleans (yes or no) or married/not married/widowed/etc.
MARRIAGEYEAR year of marriage of a person in a dataset
MIGRATIONDATE date of emigration or immigration or some kind of movement
NATIVITYCITY birthplace of individual or of parent(s) of individual
NATIVITYCOUNTRY birthplace of individual or of parent(s) of individual
NATIVITYSTATEUS birthplace of individual or of parent(s) of individual
RELIGIONPERSON the religious affiliation of a person