Urban Humanities: A Symposium on Research Development, Digital Archives, and Documentary Perspective
What new opportunities for multidisciplinary collaboration do digital tools afford scholars working with archival resources? How might new digital tools make the history, art, and culture in New York City visible in new ways, to new publics?
3:00-4:45 pm
Digital Archives and Public Humanities
Chair: Peter Wosh, Director, Program in Archives and Public History, New York University
Anne Karle-Zenith, Digital Services Manager at the Metropolitan New York Library Council
Lacy Shultz, Director of Collections at the Museum of the City of New York
Donald Mennerich, Digial Archivist at New York University
Respondent: Jane McNamara, New York Council on the Humanities
5:00 pm
“We Won’t Venture an Opinion on the Furniture”: Whatever Happened to the ‘Queen of the Homosexuals’?”
A talk about Choire Sicha’s search for Christopher Lazare. Sicha is a nonfiction writer and editor in New York. In 2013 HarperCollins published his first book, Very Recent History, a nonfiction biography of a group of young people in New York City in 2009 disguised as a history of New York City, or vice versa. He is a two-time editor of Gawker, and cofounder of The Awl, a five-year-old online culture magazine. He is a thesis advisor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism.