Department of Health Certificate of Need Applications: Beginning 1974

This dataset contains listing of health care and long-term care facilities, with coverage for New York City and New York state. It is presented with minimal documentation but the structured data is informative in terms of attributes. As the original data record states, the data was extracted from Certificate of Need (CON) applications, Limited Review Applications (LRAs) and Notices submitted by providers.

Shared Dataset Variables

Variable Name Description
DAY the day of an event or occurrence (not related to a person's life event)
MONETARYVALUE monetary value or cost of goods/services/real estate
MONTH the month of an event or occurrence (not related to a person's life event)
PLACEADDRESS an address recorded in a dataset
PLACECITY the named city that is being measured in a dataset
PLACECOUNTRY the named country that is being measured in a dataset
PLACESTATEUS the named state (us) that is being measured in a dataset
YEAR the year of an event or occurrence (not related to a person's life event)