Deterrent Effects of the New York Juvenile Offender Law, 1974-1984

This data collates monthly counts of arrests of juveniles for violent crime as reported by by police jurisdictions. Data are presented in counts broken down by type of crime; jurisdictions are grouped into regions. The original study was longitudinal and designed to assess the effects of the New York Juvenile Offender Law (1978) on incidences of violent crime by juveniles.

Shared Dataset Variables

Variable Name Description
INCIDENCECRIMEPERSON measurement of a crime committed by or afflicted on a person
INCIDENCECRIMEPLACE variables that measure some kind of law violation linked to a place (not to a person)
MONTH the month of an event or occurrence (not related to a person's life event)
PLACEADDRESS an address recorded in a dataset
PLACECITY the named city that is being measured in a dataset
PLACECOUNTRY the named country that is being measured in a dataset
PLACESTATEUS the named state (us) that is being measured in a dataset
YEAR the year of an event or occurrence (not related to a person's life event)