
Historical City Data Log-a-Thon
Come join NewYorkScapes for a historical data catalog building event co-sponsored by the Digital Culture/s Colloquium. We'll be searching open-access digital libraries and data sources high and low for undiscovered data documenting the history of the city of New York.
NewYorkScapes Community Meeting and Happy Hour
Please join NewYorkScapes for our annual informal community meeting and happy hour to kickoff 2018-2019, provide updates on our shared projects, and plot future directions for the coming year.
Culture Mapping 2018
Are you interested in applying digital tools to the interpretation and visualization of cultures, geographies, and urban experience? Come share methods and motives with NewYorkScapes, a research community exploring spatial humanities and urban cultures.
Culture Mapping @ NYU
How might digital technologies help enable new ways of conceptualizing history, visualizing place, and mapping culture? NewYorkScapes presents a one-day symposium on the use of digital tools in the study of urban cultures. A series of panels, workshops, and project
Please join the NewYorkScapes working group at NYU for an informal happy hour to share ideas for the group's events and activities for the coming year.