A dataset contains the names, addresses, and seat locations for Philharmonic subscribers transcribed from subscriber books containing names and addresses.
Data focused on the electoral and demographic history of New York State. Files derived from federal and states censuses, New York State Negro Suffrage Referenda Returns, New York State Liquor License Referendum Returns, New York State Assembly documents, counts of
Structured JSON and XML documents and set of component files encoding concert programs and performance information such as conductor, soloists, and compositions presented.
This is the biographical and source material for members of the Syrian colony of New York City 1880-1900. It supports the book, Strangers in the West: The Syrian Colony of New York City, 1880-1900 (New York, 2015).
The objective of this data collection was to examine inequalities of wealth and the geographic distribution of wealthy individuals in late 18th- and early 19th-century New York and to investigate wealth in relationship to occupation and location. For this study,